Rafale Le Roy Ladurie, França
Eu recebi o produto e queria aproveitar esta oportunidade para agradecer por seu excelente serviço ao cliente. Sua empresa trata todas as situações de forma profissional. ...
Barcus Brian, EUA
Já fiz 7 compras nesse sítio, todas de comprimidos para D.E. Eu estava extremamente desconfiado e hesitante de comprar online de um sítio no exterior e de colocar minhas informações ...
Vanessa, Hermitage
Eu recebi a encomenda e irei fazer outra brevemente.
How is the King's cancer treatment going?
The King's medical team are "sufficiently pleased" with his progress after he was diagnosed with cancer ...
First personalised jab for skin cancer in UK trial
Steve Young is part of the tests to see if an mRNA jab can stop the deadliest skin cancer returning.
England tops chart for child alcohol use - report
The World Health Organization also finds higher rates of drinking and vaping among teenage girls.
Action needed on needless asthma deaths, says charity
There were more than 12,000 UK deaths in the past decade, many of them needless, a charity warns.