John Loffler, Australia
This is the best site, thanks friends are very very happy. and I assure you that soon I will definitely another order with you. I received my order in a perfect way. better ...
Geoffrey, Rolling Meadows
My apologies. I did not know the items were sent separately. I received the second envelope yesterday. Thank you for your help and support.
Tom Eads, Clearwater, United States
I finally received my package yesterday (October 27, 2015) and all is good. It took its time getting here, but it made it.
Are you feeling grotty all the time?
Why some people are saying they've been ill all year.
EU regulator rejects Alzheimer's drug lecanemab
It said the benefits of the treatment did not outweigh the risk of serious side effects.
Autumn date to fix blood transfusion services
The systems were affected by a hack on the NHS, which caused significant disruption.
Health regulator not fit for purpose - Streeting
The health secretary says he is stunned by failings in inspecting hospitals, GPs and care homes in England.